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HomeBlogCaptivating the Cosmos: Rare Super Blue Moon 2023

Captivating the Cosmos: Rare Super Blue Moon 2023

Get ready to witness an extraordinary celestial event as the night sky adorns itself with the Super Blue Moon on August 30th. The Details of everything you need to know about the Blue Moon:

Super Blue Moon 2023: A Rare Astronomical Phenomenon

Mark your calendars and prepare to gaze upon the magnificent Super Blue Moon on the night of August 30th. This Wednesday holds a special occasion as we celebrate Raksha Bandhan during the day and witness the biggest and brightest moon of the year during the night. The moon is expected to reach its peak at 9:36 PM ET or 7:06 PM IST. Despite its name, the moon won’t actually appear blue, but rather a stunning shade of orange. Now, while this might be fascinating, it raises a question in many minds: What is a true blue moon, and how often does this event grace our skies? all questions will be answered . Keep reading to gain clarity on this cosmic wonder.

What is a Blue Moon?

Blue Moons come in two distinct flavors, but unfortunately, neither is associated with the color blue. According to NASA, in keeping with the traditional understanding of a Blue Moon, a seasonal Blue Moon is defined as the third full moon within a season containing four full moons. In contrast, a monthly Blue Moon is tied to the second full moon occurring within a calendar month and is a result of a misinterpretation of the original definition.

To align with time and date contexts, the concept of a monthly Blue Moon has been developed as an accepted definition of a Blue Moon. Although it takes about 29.5 days for the moon to complete each phase, which is approximately 354 days for 12 full cycles, this falls short of a year’s 366 days. Hence, about every two and a half years, an extra full moon, the “Blue Moon,” occurs, as the name doesn’t neatly fit into the naming scheme.

How Often Does a Blue Moon Occur?

A Blue Moon is a rare occurrence. Typically, there’s a full moon every 29 days. Occasionally, two full moons can happen in a single month due to most months having either 30 or 31 days. A Blue Moon usually takes place once every two and a half years. Unusually, in 2018, there were two Blue Moons within two months of each other, one of which coincided with a lunar eclipse! This sort of overlap between a Blue Moon and a Super Moon only happens about every 10 years; the next instance will be in January and March 2037, a distant 14 years away.

Where and How to See the Super Blue Moon?

If you’re wondering where and how to witness this spectacular event, here are some tips. The Super Blue Moon of August 30, 2023, is expected to reach its maximum brightness around 8:37 PM EDT. Moonrise aligns well with the prime evening hours, particularly around sunset. The best way to observe it is through a telescope or binoculars to capture its distinct features.

However, if you don’t have access to these, you can still see the event with your naked eyes. Viewing the moon after sunset will allow you to witness this extraordinary astronomical occurrence, which won’t repeat for many years. The optimal time to catch the Super Blue Moon is right before sunset. Keep track of time and ensure you don’t miss witnessing one of the most remarkable celestial events. Several websites offer live streaming options as well.



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